I never thought she will do this. i never thought this end will come to her life. how can she do this to vanya, yes she named her inanimate friend........(and she closes me, her only friend why is she going to do this with herself) AFTER SOME TIME SHE REGAINS HER STRENGTH FOR THIS FINAL DECISION SHE IS GOING TO TAKE. SHE OPENS ME BACK AND STARTS WRITING ABOUT HER LAST DAY. "Today i am writing this for the last time for the day of ending, am not able to explain what i want to do and why i want to do, i suffered alot this year he left me he broke the 5 year of relationship of marriage and what was my fault in this i dont know why He did this to me but more painful for me is this day when i am going to end my relatonship with this diary too..... when am going to end this months of relationship with this diary and this life but i have too..... i cant anylonger keep writing my pain in this diary i cant keep wetting its pages, i cant cry anymore." "I...
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